COVID-19(advice to consider the possibility of the early departure to the Japanese residents)
1 既にお知らせしたとおり,3月23日深夜,ミャンマー国内で初めて陽性患者が確認された旨ミャンマー政府から発表がありました。
2 また,当館から累次お知らせしていますとおり,当地と本邦の間の直行便は減便の状態が続いており,今後の動向は予断を許さず,また,周辺国を経由して帰国するのも困難な状況になっています。さらに,当地の医療機関の施設や受入体制は,本邦と比較して必ずしも十分とは言えないところ,当地への入国の際や当地における病院を受診した際に体調が悪かったため,当地における指定病院に義務的に隔離される事態に至る場合,困難を伴うことが予想されます。
3 つきましては,観光等で一時的に滞在中の方や,日本に早期帰国が可能な在留邦人の方等は,早めの出国を御検討ください。また,各企業,団体におかれても,業務の実施体制につき検討されることをお勧めします。
4 咳エチケットや手洗い等を心掛け,体調管理には十分留意して下さい。また,引き続き最新情報の入手に万全を期すとともに,デマや噂をうのみにすることなく,慎重に行動願います。
■ 問い合わせ先:在ミャンマー日本国大使館領事部電話:95-1-549644~8
To all Japanese residents in Myanmar
1. As the Embassy of Japan notified, the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has issued, at midnight of 23 March 2020, the statement that the confirmed case of COVID -19 has been found in Myanmar.
2. The Embassy of Japan has already announced that the airline continuously reduced the frequency of direct flights between Myanmar and Japan and that it is difficult to make predictions. Furthermore, it is difficult to enter Japan through transit via neighboring countries. In addition, the facilities and receiving system in medical institutions in Myanmar might be insufficient to perform routine care comparing to Japan and the situation would become difficult in case of the compulsory quarantine in isolation at designated hospital due to bad condition of health when visiting hospital or on arrival.
3. The Embassy of Japan would like to advice to consider the possibility of the early departure to the Japanese residents who are temporarily staying for sightseeing and who can return Japan early. The Embassy of Japan also recommend to Japanese companies and organizations to consider business implementation posture.
4. The Embassy of Japan would like to advice for practising cough etiquette, hand washing and personal hygiene. The Embassy of would like to advice to collect latest and accurate information without being affected by hoaxes and rumors.
This notice has been sent to those who have registered e-mail address to resident registration at Embassy of Japan, those who have registered "Mail Magazine", and those who have registered with the overseas travel registration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.